Do You See The Waving Cape Mac OS

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Installing Quartus

The following tutorial assumes that you using Windows and Google Chrome as your default browser. For other setups, the instructions below may not apply.

If you are using a mac, one option is to use BootCamp which enables you to dual-boot both Mac OS and Windows. You will need to download a windows ISO and obtian a valid windows key.

Make sure you have approximately 14GB of available disk space on your local disk.

Navigate to Create an account and make sure you are signed in. Go back to the download page and under devices, uncheck all devices except for the Arria II model.

Next, disable any adblockers and click download selected Files.

If the settings in your browser are correct, the following window should show up. Click on where you want to download the setup files and press ok. Once the download is complete run QuartusLiteSetup- Click Next and accept the agreement.

During the setup you will need to choose an installation directory. To make things easier, it is recommended to use the default directory. If you choose a directory with spaces such as Program Files there will be an extra step at the end, but do not worry if an error message pops up when this option is selected.

If all setup files were downloaded correctly, we get the following screen. If there are more devices that is OK as long as Quartus Prime and Modelsim are checked. Press next and Quartus/Modelsim will be installed. Once the download is complete, you may delete the setup files in your download folder.

Now that the install is complete, uncheck USB Blaster II driver and launch quartus.

Fixing the error caused by changing the installation directory

In Quartus, go to Tools-> Options -> EDA Tools options (Tools in the right hand corner.). Then check if Modelsim-Alteria doesn't have a path.

If this is the case, you will need to manually add the path to your .modelsim_asewin32aloem folder. See

The end result should look something like the below but varies slightly depending on the installation directory.

Creating a directory for the project

Start by creating a folder that will contain both the and files which can be found on the class website. In this class, any file starting with tb_ is designated a testbench file. The testbench is used to run a module named fibonacci_calculator, hence the name

You can save the files into the folder by copy-and-pasting the text into Quartus as it has a built in text editor that can be accessed through File->New.

Another way to do this is to pasting the text into your favorite text-editor (Atom/Sublime-Text/TextMate/Vim/etc). All these text editors have downloadable packages that support the Verilog/SystemVerilog language (the two names are sometimes used interchangebly).

Make sure to double check the type is SystemVerilog HDL File with Quartus (left) or All Files (*.*) with a .sv extension with other text editors (right).

Now, run Quartus and navigate to File -> Create a New Project. You should get the screen below. Click Next on the introductory page.

You will be asked to select a working directory for the project. Select the folder where the and are saved. Be aware that you cannot have multiple projects in the same directory. If you have a directory for this class, there should be sub-folders for each project.

The name of the project has to match the name of the top, non-testbench module in the project. For example, in the below screenshot the project name is fibonnacci_calculator because declares the module fibonacci_calculator.

Once this section is complete, select Next. A walk with my nokia 3310 mac os.

The next page asks if you want to use a previous template for your design. For most purposes this should be left as empty project. Click Next as this is the default.

The next screen allows you to add files to the project. For most cases it suffices to click Add All. After you have selected the files to add press Next. You may come back to this screen after you create the project from the homescreen by clicking Project-> Add/Remove Files.

Designing hardware relies on the capability of each FPGA. In this class, we will be using:

Family: Arria II GX

Device: EP2AGX45DF29I5

Scroll down using the arrow pointing downwards on the bottom right. Be sure to select EP2AGX45DF29I5 otherwise your area and timing numbers will be incorrect. Press Next.

Next to Simulation, under Tool Name click on ModelSim-Altera and under format click SystemVerilog HDL then press next.

On the next screen it will display a summary of your settings. Press Finish

Now that we have created the project, under Compilation Hierachy double click fibonacci_calculator. It will open the file containing the top module which in this case is

Compiling in Quartus

Now, double click on Analysis & Synthesis under the Tasks pane. This will compile and synthesize your program(s). If there are no errors, you will see a pop-up saying the Analysis & Compilation was successful. If not, it will tell you your errors in the Messages pane at the bottom of the screen. It is good habit to just review your warnings (if any) to ensure you have no latches or other design hazards.

Running the Testbench and Displaying Signals Through ModelSim


Once the Analysis & Synthesis is successful, we can open up ModelSim to test our code. Go to Tools -> Run Simulation Tool -> RTL Simulation. Make sure that ModelSim is not already running or there will be an error.

Go to Compile-->Compile. Ensure that the Library is work and you are in your project's directory. Many times you will have to change directories so that you are in your project's directory. Select all SystemVerilog HDL Files that pertain to your project. This includes the testbench. Hit Compile and then Done.

If you look at the bottom in the Transcript pane, you will see that it did compile and there were no errors. The work library should have all the files youjust compiled. If not, repeat the previous step. If the transcript does not show up like the below after compiling, go to Layout -> NoDesign and it should show up.

Next, double click tb_fibonacci_calculator under the work library.ModelSim will slowly load new panes to look like the below. If you do not see the Wave pane, do not worry as you will show it in later steps. You should see somethingsimilar to below.

The next step is to add signals to the wave and show the wave if it is not already present. On the left, in the sim pane, right click on the testbench file which shouldbe the top most file. Go to Add-->To Wave-->All items in region.

In the Wave pane, you will see all the signals declared and used in the testbench.

When dealing with signals that are many bits, it is easier to see its value as an unsigned integer rather than binary. To make this conversion, right click on the signal youwant, go to Radix and choose the format you want. Unsigned integer is the radix you will use for this class.

You are now ready to simulate your program. The icons boxed in the below screenshot are used to run the testbench. The first icon is Restart which will reset the simulationas if you never ran it. This is helpful to rerun the simulation without recompiling everything. The Run Length allows you to enter a specific amount of time you want theprogram to run for. It defaults to pico-seconds, but nano-seconds is the best time to use. The icon Run right after the Run Length is to run your program for theamount of time specified in the Run Length. If you set Run Length to be 10 ns, each time you press Run, the program will continue for 10 ns. Continue Runwill run the program until it terminates. The same is true for Run -All. All the programs in this class will terminate in less than one second. If you find yourself waitingfor longer than a few seconds until the program terminates, hit the Stop button and recheck your logic. you will see the below screen once your program terminates. Itshows you where the program terminated. To go back to the Wave, click on the Wave tab.

You should see something like this on your Wave.

If you expand or scroll through the Transcript pane, notice the 'CORRECT RESULT' text along with outputs of the The transcript plane will also show the output of any $display statements you have in your code. The below script generated by the testbench indicates that was a success.

Now that our code is confirmed to be correct, it is useful go back to Quartus to check the Area and the clock frequency (Fmax).

Checking Fmax

Double click TimeQuest Timing Analysis under Tasks. This will run Fitter (Place & Route) as well.

In the Table of Contents of the Compilation Report expand TimeQuest Timing Analyzer. Then expand Slow 900mV 100C Model and look at Fmax Summary. The speed of your clock is given by Fmax.

Checking Area

In the Table of Contents of the Compilation Report expand Fitter and then Summary. Under Fitter Summary, double click Logic utilization. Area is the sum of Combinational ALUTS and Dedicated logic registers. In this class, you are not allowed to use Memory ALUTs.

Most improvements in OS X 10:11 El Capitan are not immediately visible to the ordinary OS X user. Especially under the hood many improvements have been made in the area of performance and safety.

Do you want OS X 10:11 El Capitan faster than you can use the OS X Terminal Commands 10 below. The commands disable various delays from that standard built by Apple.

Open OS X Terminal, which you can find in the folder: Applications ▸ Utilities. Copy and paste the following command either in the Terminal window.

OS X user interface

1. Disable animations when opening and closing windows.

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool false

2. Disable animations when opening a Quick Look window.

defaults write -g QLPanelAnimationDuration -float 0

3. Accelerated playback when adjusting the window size (Cocoa applications).

Do You See The Waving Cape Mac OS

Once the Analysis & Synthesis is successful, we can open up ModelSim to test our code. Go to Tools -> Run Simulation Tool -> RTL Simulation. Make sure that ModelSim is not already running or there will be an error.

Go to Compile-->Compile. Ensure that the Library is work and you are in your project's directory. Many times you will have to change directories so that you are in your project's directory. Select all SystemVerilog HDL Files that pertain to your project. This includes the testbench. Hit Compile and then Done.

If you look at the bottom in the Transcript pane, you will see that it did compile and there were no errors. The work library should have all the files youjust compiled. If not, repeat the previous step. If the transcript does not show up like the below after compiling, go to Layout -> NoDesign and it should show up.

Next, double click tb_fibonacci_calculator under the work library.ModelSim will slowly load new panes to look like the below. If you do not see the Wave pane, do not worry as you will show it in later steps. You should see somethingsimilar to below.

The next step is to add signals to the wave and show the wave if it is not already present. On the left, in the sim pane, right click on the testbench file which shouldbe the top most file. Go to Add-->To Wave-->All items in region.

In the Wave pane, you will see all the signals declared and used in the testbench.

When dealing with signals that are many bits, it is easier to see its value as an unsigned integer rather than binary. To make this conversion, right click on the signal youwant, go to Radix and choose the format you want. Unsigned integer is the radix you will use for this class.

You are now ready to simulate your program. The icons boxed in the below screenshot are used to run the testbench. The first icon is Restart which will reset the simulationas if you never ran it. This is helpful to rerun the simulation without recompiling everything. The Run Length allows you to enter a specific amount of time you want theprogram to run for. It defaults to pico-seconds, but nano-seconds is the best time to use. The icon Run right after the Run Length is to run your program for theamount of time specified in the Run Length. If you set Run Length to be 10 ns, each time you press Run, the program will continue for 10 ns. Continue Runwill run the program until it terminates. The same is true for Run -All. All the programs in this class will terminate in less than one second. If you find yourself waitingfor longer than a few seconds until the program terminates, hit the Stop button and recheck your logic. you will see the below screen once your program terminates. Itshows you where the program terminated. To go back to the Wave, click on the Wave tab.

You should see something like this on your Wave.

If you expand or scroll through the Transcript pane, notice the 'CORRECT RESULT' text along with outputs of the The transcript plane will also show the output of any $display statements you have in your code. The below script generated by the testbench indicates that was a success.

Now that our code is confirmed to be correct, it is useful go back to Quartus to check the Area and the clock frequency (Fmax).

Checking Fmax

Double click TimeQuest Timing Analysis under Tasks. This will run Fitter (Place & Route) as well.

In the Table of Contents of the Compilation Report expand TimeQuest Timing Analyzer. Then expand Slow 900mV 100C Model and look at Fmax Summary. The speed of your clock is given by Fmax.

Checking Area

In the Table of Contents of the Compilation Report expand Fitter and then Summary. Under Fitter Summary, double click Logic utilization. Area is the sum of Combinational ALUTS and Dedicated logic registers. In this class, you are not allowed to use Memory ALUTs.

Most improvements in OS X 10:11 El Capitan are not immediately visible to the ordinary OS X user. Especially under the hood many improvements have been made in the area of performance and safety.

Do you want OS X 10:11 El Capitan faster than you can use the OS X Terminal Commands 10 below. The commands disable various delays from that standard built by Apple.

Open OS X Terminal, which you can find in the folder: Applications ▸ Utilities. Copy and paste the following command either in the Terminal window.

OS X user interface

1. Disable animations when opening and closing windows.

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool false

2. Disable animations when opening a Quick Look window.

defaults write -g QLPanelAnimationDuration -float 0

3. Accelerated playback when adjusting the window size (Cocoa applications).

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime -float 0.001

Do You See The Waving Cape Mac Os Download

4. Disable animation when opening the Info window in OS X Finder (cmd⌘ + i).

defaults write DisableAllAnimations -bool true

5. Disable animations when you open an application from the Dock.

defaults write launchanim -bool false

6. Make all animations faster that are used by Mission Control.

Do You See The Waving Cape Mac Os Update

defaults write expose-animation-duration -float 0.1

7. Disable the delay when you hide the Dock

defaults write autohide-delay -float 0

Mail applicatie

8. Disable the animation when you sending and replying an e-mail

defaults write DisableReplyAnimations -bool true
defaults write DisableSendAnimations -bool true


9. Disable the standard delay in rendering a Web page.

defaults write WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay 0.25

10. The keyboard react faster to keystrokes (not equally useful for everyone

defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 0

When the commands are conducted in OS X Terminal, you need to reboot your Mac. After re-login you will notice that your Mac responds smoother.

Undo changes

If you want any of the above commands undo than is possible using the defaults delete command.

defaults delete domainkey

Example: To undo the adjustment number 10, type the command:

defaults delete NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat

Do You See The Waving Cape Mac Os 7

After undoing, you need to restart your Mac.

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