Naxos Mac OS

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Naxos, one of the world's leading classical music labels, is known for recording exciting new repertoire with exceptional talent. The label has one of the largest and fastest growing catalogues with unparalleled depth and breadth and state-of-the-art sound. Founded in 1987, Naxos has developed into a virtual encyclopedia of classical music offering over 9,000 titles. It seems like while using thew new HTML5 player on Chrome 32.0 on Mac OS X 10.8, I can not change the playback position within the track until it has played all the way through fully once. This is a hinderance for use in studying a track. Is this a bug or a 'feature'? Other than that, the new player looks great!

A downloadable micro visual novel for Windows, macOS, and Linux

'Oh, let me See
Into the many multitudes of broken hearts.
Jaded, tossed on high and troubled seas,
Cast against distant shores for their adroit machinations.'

An island in the sea, and two souls inhabiting it, alone in their misery. Until fate or some such tawdry thing compels them from the darkness to seek each other out.

An atmospheric mini visual novel about the monsters within and without us.

Inspired by the story of Ariadne and classic Minoan art.

Features 5 possible endings.

Best Storytelling Honorable Mention for Maximum Monster Month! 2018

Mac os catalina

Rating: Younger Teen for themes

Updated 26 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
AuthorPixels and Pins
GenreVisual Novel
Tags2D, Atmospheric, Female Protagonist, greece, Monsters, mythology, Otome, Relaxing, renpy, Yuri


Click download now to get access to the following files:

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This is such a lovely read. I found Naxos through EVN Chronicles' reviews of some Yuri Game Jam 2018 visual novels and I'm really glad I did. The atmosphere is soothing, the descriptions beautiful; I loved the writing style from the very first paragraphs. Although the game's shortness doesn't let us see a whole lot of what the main characters feel and do, I think the emotions were still conveyed wonderfully. Upon replaying and running into several bad ends (which I thankfully saw coming during my first playthrough), I actually regretted going back to test these choices because the deaths were more emotionally painful than I expected! Another sign of a story well-written, I suppose.
Thank you for sharing this with the world!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! There are a number of things I would do different were it intended to be a longer game, but the shortness was part of the experiment, I guess you could say. Meninx is it's direct sequel, if you're interested in sitting with Ysa and Ari more.·View all by Pixels and Pins·Report·Embed·

March 21, 2018

This post describes how I set up a reproducible development environment in a few seconds on any Linux distribution (and potentially macOS as well). This setup includes simple executables (curl, git) but also programs with custom configurations and dotfiles (vim, tmux). The Nix language is used to describe the system configuration, which you can find on github and follow along.

Developers have access to wonderful tools, which, when leveraged appropriately, allow them to build wonderful things in no time. Some of these tools, like vim and Emacs, can be customized to the point that working with them becomes a second nature, and some people will put a lot of effort into making sure that their setup is tailored for their workflows. This sometimes involves spending hours fighting with dependencies, plugins, language syntax highlighters… only to wake up the next day and realize that their daily update broke everything.

I've used GNU stow. I've stored my dotfiles in a Git repository. I've written scripts to extract and load sets of packages with aptitude. It never worked reliably. Now I have a solution that actually works. I'm using a few text files that describe my entire setup, store them on GitHub, and don't anymore fear upgrading my system, losing my laptop or spawning short-lived development instances. Let me show you how.

If you've never heard of Nix, worry not, the next section will present its main concepts. If you've used Nix before, feel free to skip ahead. The sections are mostly independent, pick any one that is most relevant to you:

Nix and NixOS

Nix is a programming language with unconventional properties, which was developed mostly to work as a package manager. Today we are not going to focus much on the language itself, but on the package management model and how it fits in Unix systems. Check out Jim Fisher's post for a good introduction to the language itself. From now on I may use 'Nix' interchangeably for both the language and the package manager.

Here's a quote from the Nix manual:

In Nix, packages are stored in unique locations in the Nix store (typically, /nix/store). For instance, a particular version of the Subversion package might be stored in a directory /nix/store/dpmvp969yhdqs7lm2r1a3gng7pyq6vy4-subversion-1.1.3/, while another version might be stored in /nix/store/5mq2jcn36ldlmh93yj1n8s9c95pj7c5s-subversion-1.1.2. The long strings prefixed to the directory names are cryptographic hashes of all inputs involved in building the package — sources, dependencies, compiler flags, and so on. So if two packages differ in any way, they end up in different locations in the file system, so they don't interfere with each other.

Naxos Mac Os Update

This captures the essence of Nix. All this package building is described through a set of Nix files (with a .nix extension). Nix does not actually have a package archive: all it has is a package repository description, nixpkgs, which is nothing but a bunch of Nix files! Nix downloads those files and prepares the packages on your machine. Most of it, however, was already built and cached, so after installing Nix you should be able to download any package from nixpkgs' cache:

Check out the Nix manual and the Nix Pills for a deeper introduction.


There actually is an entire operating system based on Nix: NixOS. Everything, from your packages to the services and users, is described with Nix. Using NixOS is a great solution if you can afford it. Using the Nix package manager alone is much more lightweight, as you can always piggy back on your distribution's package manager if you need to, and you can always get rid of Nix entirely (including everything it's ever installed) by wiping /nix. I, personally, only need a single user on my system, and no services besides the ones provided by Ubuntu by default, so the setup I describe below is perfect.

Package management

I'll start by showing you how I curate the set of packages installed on my system at all times: my homies. Let's have a look at the main homies Nix file, default.nix:

The let … in … is a typical functional programming construct: it defines some values after the let and brings them into scope after the in. A few values are defined:

  • pkgs: where we'll draw our packages from – you don't have to use nixpkgs!
  • bashrc, git, tmux, vim: some packages I customized for my needs, we'll get to what exactly that means in the next sections.
  • homies: the list of packages that I want to be installed on my system.

If you've never had any exposure to functional programming, the code above might look somewhat strange: that's fine. You should nevertheless be able to tailor it to your needs by adding some packages sourced from nixpkgs (e.g. pkgs.blender or pkgs.firefox) to the homies list.

The following command removes all your (Nix-) installed packages and replaces them with the ones defined in default.nix:

Let's deconstruct what's happening:

  • nix-env: this is the command that deals with installing packages on and removing packages from your system.
  • -f default.nix: by default nix-env will look for packages in nixpkgs; by specifying default.nix we actually instruct it not to install the whole set of packages defined in nixpkgs
  • -i: 'install'.
  • --remove-all: instruct nix-env to remove all the packages previously installed.

All the homies packages are now installed. There might be something bugging you:

  • Aren't all packages located at a /nix/store/XXXXXXX-foo-style path?
  • Wasn't I lead to believe that wiping /nix would get rid of nix?
  • How can the packages be present on my $PATH then; did Nix just tinker with my $PATH !?

Nix didn't tinker with your $PATH, or at least not just now. During the installation of Nix itself, you might have been asked to add the following line to your .bashrc/.profile:

What this small shell script does is very simple (in its essence): it adds $HOME/.nix-profile/bin/ to your $PATH. When you run nix-env -i (as we did above) Nix will build the packages in a temporary directory, store them in a /nix/store/XXXXXXX-foo-style location (a so-called entry in the Nix store), and create a symlink in $HOME/.nix-profile/bin/ to the newly created entry in the Nix store. This is very powerful because Nix can perform atomic updates, without ever erasing packages: it only updates the symlinks if the whole build was successful. This enables very interesting operations, like rolling back to a previous 'generation' (a generation is created on every successful nix-env -i call):

(No, it's not on purpose, I just happen to be at generation 42…)

You might start to wonder how this is possible, since built packages take up space and that space is limited. You can run garbage collection runs whenever you feel like it, which you can read more about here.

You now know how to perform basic package installs from a .nix file. Congratulations! Next, let's see how to manage dotfiles.

Packaging up the dotfiles: tmux and vim

As mentioned above, part of the homies are sourced directly from nixpkgs (curl, htop, …) while others are customized (in particular tmux and vim). The reason is that I use the former ones directly, while the latter ones I want to use with a dotfile, like .tmux.conf and .vimrc. We'll start with packaging your beloved .tmux.conf with Nix (you can find vim in the next section).

My homies have a special directory dedicated to tmux, which you might think of as a 'module' (although modules in Nix are something else):

You might have expected tmux.conf, which is exactly what you expect it to be. Let's look at tmux/default.nix instead!

Naxos mac os download

Rating: Younger Teen for themes

Updated 26 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
AuthorPixels and Pins
GenreVisual Novel
Tags2D, Atmospheric, Female Protagonist, greece, Monsters, mythology, Otome, Relaxing, renpy, Yuri


Click download now to get access to the following files:

Log in with to leave a comment.

This is such a lovely read. I found Naxos through EVN Chronicles' reviews of some Yuri Game Jam 2018 visual novels and I'm really glad I did. The atmosphere is soothing, the descriptions beautiful; I loved the writing style from the very first paragraphs. Although the game's shortness doesn't let us see a whole lot of what the main characters feel and do, I think the emotions were still conveyed wonderfully. Upon replaying and running into several bad ends (which I thankfully saw coming during my first playthrough), I actually regretted going back to test these choices because the deaths were more emotionally painful than I expected! Another sign of a story well-written, I suppose.
Thank you for sharing this with the world!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! There are a number of things I would do different were it intended to be a longer game, but the shortness was part of the experiment, I guess you could say. Meninx is it's direct sequel, if you're interested in sitting with Ysa and Ari more.·View all by Pixels and Pins·Report·Embed·

March 21, 2018

This post describes how I set up a reproducible development environment in a few seconds on any Linux distribution (and potentially macOS as well). This setup includes simple executables (curl, git) but also programs with custom configurations and dotfiles (vim, tmux). The Nix language is used to describe the system configuration, which you can find on github and follow along.

Developers have access to wonderful tools, which, when leveraged appropriately, allow them to build wonderful things in no time. Some of these tools, like vim and Emacs, can be customized to the point that working with them becomes a second nature, and some people will put a lot of effort into making sure that their setup is tailored for their workflows. This sometimes involves spending hours fighting with dependencies, plugins, language syntax highlighters… only to wake up the next day and realize that their daily update broke everything.

I've used GNU stow. I've stored my dotfiles in a Git repository. I've written scripts to extract and load sets of packages with aptitude. It never worked reliably. Now I have a solution that actually works. I'm using a few text files that describe my entire setup, store them on GitHub, and don't anymore fear upgrading my system, losing my laptop or spawning short-lived development instances. Let me show you how.

If you've never heard of Nix, worry not, the next section will present its main concepts. If you've used Nix before, feel free to skip ahead. The sections are mostly independent, pick any one that is most relevant to you:

Nix and NixOS

Nix is a programming language with unconventional properties, which was developed mostly to work as a package manager. Today we are not going to focus much on the language itself, but on the package management model and how it fits in Unix systems. Check out Jim Fisher's post for a good introduction to the language itself. From now on I may use 'Nix' interchangeably for both the language and the package manager.

Here's a quote from the Nix manual:

In Nix, packages are stored in unique locations in the Nix store (typically, /nix/store). For instance, a particular version of the Subversion package might be stored in a directory /nix/store/dpmvp969yhdqs7lm2r1a3gng7pyq6vy4-subversion-1.1.3/, while another version might be stored in /nix/store/5mq2jcn36ldlmh93yj1n8s9c95pj7c5s-subversion-1.1.2. The long strings prefixed to the directory names are cryptographic hashes of all inputs involved in building the package — sources, dependencies, compiler flags, and so on. So if two packages differ in any way, they end up in different locations in the file system, so they don't interfere with each other.

Naxos Mac Os Update

This captures the essence of Nix. All this package building is described through a set of Nix files (with a .nix extension). Nix does not actually have a package archive: all it has is a package repository description, nixpkgs, which is nothing but a bunch of Nix files! Nix downloads those files and prepares the packages on your machine. Most of it, however, was already built and cached, so after installing Nix you should be able to download any package from nixpkgs' cache:

Check out the Nix manual and the Nix Pills for a deeper introduction.


There actually is an entire operating system based on Nix: NixOS. Everything, from your packages to the services and users, is described with Nix. Using NixOS is a great solution if you can afford it. Using the Nix package manager alone is much more lightweight, as you can always piggy back on your distribution's package manager if you need to, and you can always get rid of Nix entirely (including everything it's ever installed) by wiping /nix. I, personally, only need a single user on my system, and no services besides the ones provided by Ubuntu by default, so the setup I describe below is perfect.

Package management

I'll start by showing you how I curate the set of packages installed on my system at all times: my homies. Let's have a look at the main homies Nix file, default.nix:

The let … in … is a typical functional programming construct: it defines some values after the let and brings them into scope after the in. A few values are defined:

  • pkgs: where we'll draw our packages from – you don't have to use nixpkgs!
  • bashrc, git, tmux, vim: some packages I customized for my needs, we'll get to what exactly that means in the next sections.
  • homies: the list of packages that I want to be installed on my system.

If you've never had any exposure to functional programming, the code above might look somewhat strange: that's fine. You should nevertheless be able to tailor it to your needs by adding some packages sourced from nixpkgs (e.g. pkgs.blender or pkgs.firefox) to the homies list.

The following command removes all your (Nix-) installed packages and replaces them with the ones defined in default.nix:

Let's deconstruct what's happening:

  • nix-env: this is the command that deals with installing packages on and removing packages from your system.
  • -f default.nix: by default nix-env will look for packages in nixpkgs; by specifying default.nix we actually instruct it not to install the whole set of packages defined in nixpkgs
  • -i: 'install'.
  • --remove-all: instruct nix-env to remove all the packages previously installed.

All the homies packages are now installed. There might be something bugging you:

  • Aren't all packages located at a /nix/store/XXXXXXX-foo-style path?
  • Wasn't I lead to believe that wiping /nix would get rid of nix?
  • How can the packages be present on my $PATH then; did Nix just tinker with my $PATH !?

Nix didn't tinker with your $PATH, or at least not just now. During the installation of Nix itself, you might have been asked to add the following line to your .bashrc/.profile:

What this small shell script does is very simple (in its essence): it adds $HOME/.nix-profile/bin/ to your $PATH. When you run nix-env -i (as we did above) Nix will build the packages in a temporary directory, store them in a /nix/store/XXXXXXX-foo-style location (a so-called entry in the Nix store), and create a symlink in $HOME/.nix-profile/bin/ to the newly created entry in the Nix store. This is very powerful because Nix can perform atomic updates, without ever erasing packages: it only updates the symlinks if the whole build was successful. This enables very interesting operations, like rolling back to a previous 'generation' (a generation is created on every successful nix-env -i call):

(No, it's not on purpose, I just happen to be at generation 42…)

You might start to wonder how this is possible, since built packages take up space and that space is limited. You can run garbage collection runs whenever you feel like it, which you can read more about here.

You now know how to perform basic package installs from a .nix file. Congratulations! Next, let's see how to manage dotfiles.

Packaging up the dotfiles: tmux and vim

As mentioned above, part of the homies are sourced directly from nixpkgs (curl, htop, …) while others are customized (in particular tmux and vim). The reason is that I use the former ones directly, while the latter ones I want to use with a dotfile, like .tmux.conf and .vimrc. We'll start with packaging your beloved .tmux.conf with Nix (you can find vim in the next section).

My homies have a special directory dedicated to tmux, which you might think of as a 'module' (although modules in Nix are something else):

You might have expected tmux.conf, which is exactly what you expect it to be. Let's look at tmux/default.nix instead!

There are a few things going on, but we can ignore most of that. We will focus on the following part:

First, the double (single-)quotes ': that's a string. What's inside the string is mostly bash. What's not bash is the ${./tmux.conf} part: that's a way of referencing Nix values inside a bash statement – and inside any string, actually. To Nix, this snippet is just a string, it will just happen to be run as a bash script at some point. So ${ foo } interpolates the Nix value ./tmux.conf to a string. The next question is: what kind of value is ./tmux.conf?

Wanna have a guess?

Naxos Mac Os Catalina

A walk with my nokia 3310 mac os. Well, it looks like a path, doesn't it. And as it turns out there is a file tmux.conf in the directory. A Nix value that starts with ./ is Nix' quick way of creating an entry in the Nix store: by interpolating it in the snippet above, Nix will replace ${ ./tmux.conf } with a /nix/store/XXXXXXX-foo-style path. Sweet! The rest of the obscure incantation is just a way of telling Nix to wrap tmux (some tmux that was built by Nix and lives in /nix/store) and bake in the -f flag which specifies the location of the .tmux.conf file to use. You can convince yourself of it by squinting long enough at the actual tmux that's located on my $PATH:

And just like that, your beloved .tmux.conf is baked in your tmux! Next, vim and vimrc!


Let's now bundle vim with a vimrc and some plugins. Maybe you've had this experience:

  • Plugin A needs python 2.7,
  • Plugin B needs python 3.0,
  • Plugin C needs python 2.8, which is a special flavor of python 2.7.8 that can only be compiled during full moon.

You might expect the vim setup to be a bit more complex, mostly because of plugins, but in practice it is fairly easy. Because the nixpkgs are hosted on GitHub, anybody is free to submit a pull request, and a bit of infrastructure was merged in for vim plugin support.

The python version (versionssss) issue mentioned above is completely alleviated with Nix, because the plugins themselves can specify their system dependencies, and different versions of Python/what-have-you can happily cohabit with one another. Here's my complete vim setup:

(and the ./vimrc file:)

The vimrc file itself is sourced from the file in my homies repository (although in a different way than the .tmux.conf file from the previous section) and lists zero plugins. Those are magically handled by the vimUtils.vimrcFile function.

The gun war mac os. You might recognize the obscure wrapProgram incantation that we used with tmux earlier, which this time instructs vim to start with -u …. This is how we tell vim to use the Nix generated vimrc. But now, we pass a second argument to wrapProgram:

The reason for that is that I trigger hasktags – a Haskell ctags generator – upon a Haskell file save, and --prefix PATH … will ensure that hasktags is in $PATH when vim is invoked. This used to be a pain to deal with, as I had to remember to also install the hasktags program after setting up my dotfiles on a new machine. Now the dependency is stored with my homies!

Take home message: vim configuration does not have to be a pain. And you should not have to log in into your development boxes with a stripped down, unfamiliar default vim configuration. Bring your homies along. It's so easy.

Cowsay: The nix-shell

Alright, buckle up now, we're getting real. I've talked about my so-called 'homies' – the packages that I like having around – for a while now, and you might have wondered how I survive with those sad 10 packages (I counted). Here's my answer: I don't. Does that make sense? No? Then let me introduce the 8th Wonder of the World, the nix-shell:

The nix-shell is the Nix equivalent of a one-night stand. It will bring packages in scope for the lifetime of a shell (this time not through symlinks: it crafts a special $PATH for the new shell). The simplest usage is the one showcased above – nix-shell -p package1 -p package2 … – which makes package1, package2, … available in your current shell session. After you've exited the shell, they're gone.

The notion of a 'package' in Nix is somewhat laxer than in, say, aptitude. Here's a valid nix-shell invocation:

And that's how you install Python and tensorflow. Sweet, heh?

Another way to use the nix-shell is to write a shell.nix file, which is evaluated when you call nix-shell. As it turns out, my homies are simply the packages that I regularly use outside of code repositories (by the way if you haven't tried the homies, the easiest way is to copy the repository and run nix-shell inside it). The nix-shell is amazing when working on code with others; just drop a shell.nix with all (and I mean all) the system dependencies for building and running the project in a shell.nix, and the rest of your team will thank you for it. For more info, check out zimbatm's talk on Sneaking Nix at $work.

This was a quick introduction to the nix-shell, or how to install packages for a very short lifetime or project-local scope. The concept is simple but the potential is huge. Go ahead and try it out!

Pro-tip: Add the following to your bashrc for Haskell one-offs (or copy mine):


That's it for today. We went through the underlying concepts of the Nix package manager, learned how to package tools with customized configuration in a declarative and reproducible way and finally went through a few example use cases of the nix-shell. I'd like to thank zimbatm and Graham Christensen for proofreading this text and suggesting improvements. Thanks, guys!

P.S.: Nix is not an all-or-nothing package manager, you can install it today, write some configuration, wipe it entirely tomorrow and start where you left it next week – your configuration will still work. You might want to start by installing a few packages on your machine, or drop a shell.nix in a project that has a few system dependencies that are tricky to install; it's up to you!

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Thank you ❤️

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